Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#18 closed task (fixed)

Rework hardware signal connection directives

Reported by: Nicolas Pouillon Owned by: Nicolas Pouillon
Priority: minor Milestone: ariel
Component: dsx Version:
Keywords: netlist Cc:


c0.p0( c1.p0 ) SystemC-like syntax is not so good. Maybe we should overload a binary operator to archieve the same task.

  • == cant be used because it will be used when python tries to compare objects
  • + - / * % could also be used, but are not readable either.
  • // could be good

With proper return-values, we could also write:

c0.p0 // c1.p0


c0.p0 // c1.p0 // c2.p0


sig = c0.p0 // c1.p0
sig // c2.p0

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by Nicolas Pouillon

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

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