Version 1 (modified by 19 years ago) (diff) | ,
multi reader fifos
Special kind of fifos where any number of producers and readers may be "connected". This fifos provides the following features:
- Transfers are done in indivisible blocks of contiguous data
- Read/Write? operations are done in packets of one or more blocks
- Blocks may be read/written in between of others, even in one write operation
- Blocks always arrive in order (even if not contiguous because of preceding point)
fifo1 = Memr("first_fifo", 4, # Width, in 32-bit words, this is block size 64) # Depth, in number of blocks
Simple mutex, implemented through spin locks.
lock1 = Lock("first_lock")
Synchronization point between tasks. All tasks connected to a barrier must wait for it before going any further.
barr = Barrier("sync")
Shared (or not) memory declaration, may be used to have global memory space shared between tasks.
memsp = Memspace("mem_name", 32768)
Constant integer values.
cex = Const(1)