
Version 5 (modified by alain, 18 years ago) (diff)



Srl API is your gateway to the system resources.


Log API let you define message levels. Levels allow you to let your debug code in the source, and only compile it when needed.

In order, levels are:

  • NONE
  • MAX

When writing your software, you decide what level the message is for. When compiling or running you software, you decide what minimal level your code must have to be printed.

  • srl_log(level, "message") prints a message
  • srl_log_printf(level, "message_with_format", arguments...) prints a printf-like message

Arguments in printf-like version may be not evaluated if level is not sufficient. Therefore you MUST NOT put expressions with side effects in the parameter list. ie do not do this:

srl_log_printf(DEBUG, "i=%d\n", i++);

Mwmr Communication Channels

  • srl_mwmr_read(fifo, buffer, size) reads size 32-bit words from fifo to buffer. size must be a multiple of fifo width.
  • srl_mwmr_write(fifo, buffer, size) writes size 32-bit words from buffer to fifo. size must be a multiple of fifo width.


  • srl_lock_lock( lock ) takes a lock, waiting if necessary
  • srl_lock_unlock( lock ) releases the lock


  • srl_barrier_wait( barrier ) waits for a barrier-global synchronization

Other APIs

  • srl_busy_cycles( N ) tells the simulation environment the simulation should run at least N cycles while in this call. This makes sense only for virtually synthetised tasks, otherwise, this call is a noop.
  • srl_mwmr_config( controller_name, reg_n, value ) puts value value in config register reg_n of specified controller
  • srl_mwmr_status( controller_name, reg_n ) reads status register reg_n of specified controller, returns a int32_t
  • srl_assert( cond ) checks cond is true, fatally fails otherwise